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How to spend quality time outside with your pet

9 August 2021

An animal belongs to nature, and even domestic animals are meant to spend some time outdoors. If you want to see your pet happy, you need to let them go out and be in nature. This could be your backyard, your garden, or even the park. Pets, especially cats and dogs, love to go out and be in their natural habitat, even though they call your house their home. Many activities can be done outside, and lots of ideas can allow you to spend quality time with your pet outdoors. In this article, we will talk about our favorite ideas and give you some tips on enjoying your time with your pet outside of the house. Are you ready? Prepare the leach, the water bowls, the snacks, and get ready to spend an amazing time with your furry friends.


  • Take them in a walk with you

A walk outside is the first thing that could come to mind when we speak about spending time outdoors with our pets. For dogs, this is their favorite activity to do as they are sharing this moment with you. Cats also love going outside so take them for a walk in a house garden to keep a close eye on them. Walking your pet daily is very beneficial for their health and your own health as well. For dogs, make sure that you use a harness rather than a collar to reduce pressure on their trachea. A non-retractable leash is helpful to maintain control which can help ensure that your pet is well protected. For complete protection, make sure that your pet has taken all its vaccines.

  • Take them on hiking trips

This is an activity that dogs would enjoy more than cats. Give your dog this opportunity to discover new trails and sniff new smells along the way. Choose a hiking trail that is suitable for both of you and allows you to give your dog the attention it needs. Keep in mind that your dog could get tired along the way, need some treats or food and water. Keep a close eye on the signs they could give you and ensure you have what it takes to respond to their needs. Keep a bottle of water with you, and refill it whenever you can. Allow it to rest when it’s breathing heavily. Ensure that the group you are hiking with, or the trail you are taking, allows pets.

  • Play fetch with them

If you don’t have time to hike with your pet, then do more straightforward activities together. For example, a game of fetch with your furball can be fun and enjoyable. All you need is a ball or a Frisbee or whatever toy your dog likes. Throw it and wait for them to catch it and bring it to you. This is an excellent exercise for both of you and a stress relief you both need. It also serves as a great bonding time for you and your pet. You can also use this time to train them. Please take advantage of their excitement and attention to teach them how to sit or stay before you throw the ball for them to catch. Your pet will learn faster when they are excited as they will do everything you want to get to catch the ball.

  • Take them to dog parks

Suppose there are dog parks around your city, then you found your dog a great place for socialization and exercise. At dog parks, a dog can learn more than playing games; surrounding your dog with other dogs will teach them how to socialize and be comfortable around other dogs. However, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be dog fights, so keep a close eye on your pet to be ready to help whenever possible. As for puppies, socialization is essential to keep them from becoming aggressive at older ages; you mustn’t take them to dog parks before they are fully vaccinated, usually at around 16 weeks.

  • Take them on picnic trips with your friends

Picnic with your and your dog’s friends is an excellent way to help both of you socialize and enjoy a day out. Set a date with your friends who own a pet that you know your pet will love, and go on a picnic in a safe space in nature. It can be someone’s house or a nearby park where pets (and picnics) are allowed. You need to take the same precautions as in the dog park, but also, you must ask if the other pets are vaccinated to keep your little friend safe. A dog or cat’s playdate can be very enjoyable for them, and who doesn’t want to see their fur best friend happy?

  • Go for a swim together

Swimming is another way to keep your pet active. While dogs prefer this hobby more than cats, it is essential to allow your pet to identify their preference. Also, swimming is helpful if your dog suffers from any previous injuries or has arthritis. Canine hydrotherapy is today a widely used method to help pets in pain. However, if you cannot afford it or would like to spend some time in the water with your pet, you can find the closest beach (make sure they allow pets). However, an essential piece of advice here is to remember to bring lots of potable water for your dog and make sure they drink often. This is especially important if they are swimming in brackish or salty water, as it can be hyperosmotic, which is dehydrating for your pet.

  • Include them in other water sports

A pet who loves swimming will enjoy all other water sports as well. Consider paddleboard or kayak if your pet likes being on a boat. Make sure you are not forcing them to do such activities as it is crucial that they feel comfortable and safe. You can bring them a life vest to keep them safe and save their life in case of an injury.

  • Include them in your biking activities

Biking with pets can be very fun but tricky at the same time. To make it a success make sure that you have the needed equipment allowing your dog’s leash to be well attached to your bike. You do not have to hold the leash in your hand while biking. You can ask your pet accessories supplier about such things or the place where you shop for bikes, accessories, and gear. Keep an eye on your pet’s signs and give them lots of breaks when needed. Follow the pace that makes them comfortable, so they are not overtired.

  • Allow them to go to dog-friendly restaurants with you

A great way to teach your pet to socialize is to take them out in public. When they see other people and other dogs, there is a more significant chance that they will be less aggressive and be more comfortable around others. At restaurants, your pet could be exposed to new people, animals, as well as noises that could be a trigger for them. However, being in public means that they need to remain calm around all these new concepts. Even if this is a pet-friendly restaurant, make sure to keep your pet on a short leash and that they stay away from other guests and tables.

  • Take them to local animal-friendly events

Many local events allow pets that are pet-friendly in a sense where your pet will feel safe and happy. Such events can include 5ks, winery tours, concerts, fairs, and others. Make sure that you pay enough attention to your pet to be able to keep them safe.

  • Make your workout plan more pet friendly

We mentioned that you could take your pet with you on a walk or hike. However, there are also other ways to be active and enjoy time with them. For example, you can create a workout plan in which your dog’s presence won’t bother you. In addition, you can sign up for outdoor yoga classes or use them as the extra weight you need in your functional training. In all cases, enjoy both your workout and your time with your pet.

  • Plan and go on a pet-friendly vacation together

There are lots of hotels that are pet-friendly and will allow your pet to be in your room. So why not share a relaxing and fun vacation with your best friend? Make sure you plan your trip in a way that allows your pet to be comfortable and enjoy their time with you. Check out the pet-friendly restaurants around and include them in all your planned activities.

While most of these activities can sound like dog-friendly activities, cats can be included as well. Just make sure that you know your cat’s preferences and remember not to force any activity on it. Remember that it is vital that you take your pet outside, but it is also essential that you spend a lot of time with them and enjoy it!



Outdoor activities with pets

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